Here’s some of our terrible trial lesson stories:
uninvited guest
Doing a trial lesson in the August heat, a meaty cockroach flew out of the air-conditioning onto the trial lesson Mom’s
Signed up?: No
Lessons Learned:
Cockroach traps needed.
No more trial lessons
in August: Students come hot and bothered and are less likely to sign up.
Cockroach 1 Dave and
Amy English 0.
You’re doing the trial lesson. The student is hiding under the table.
Signed up?: Yes.
Lessons Learned: Surprisingly, the initial shy students often adapt well and
level up quickly.
3. Family tree
Mom, Dad, and 3 younger siblings, including a month old baby come to the trial. Often the younger children run around the room,
pulling books off the shelves and generally causing havoc.
Signed up?: Mainly yes.
Lessons learned:
Ignore siblings. It’s not your job to take care of them.
But DO confiscate materials being crushed by young hands (why don’t the Mom and Dad do that??).
Keep trial short and sweet. Smile through gritted teeth .
4. Boooooring!
The child stares mournfully out the window throughout trial.
Signed up?: Mainly yes.
Lessons learned:
Do the trial lesson
with the Mom and Dad instead.
Tell Mom and Dad, that
with other children participating, their child will also participate.
Kids often behave
differently with Moms and Dads.
5. Waaaaahh!
The child is FINE in the trial. But Mom worries about the lessons when she won't be there.
Signed up?: Mainly yes.
Lessons Learned:
Most kids DON’T cry in
If they do, most stop
after 5 minutes.
Kindergarteners (we
start lessons from the 2nd year) are used to being without Mom.
Moms worry too
What stories do you have??
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